外贸平台  /  语言 / 外贸英语进阶:如何用英语描述各种材料和工艺,让你的沟通更专业!





- **chain**: a series of stitches made with a needle and thread or a sewing machine

- **drawstring**: a thin cord or ribbon that passes through a casing and can be pulled to tighten or close an opening

- **elastic**: a flexible material that can stretch and return to its original shape

- **foam**: a soft, light, porous material made by trapping gas bubbles in a solid or liquid substance

- **leather**: a material made from the skin of an animal by tanning or a similar process

- **mesh**: a material made of a network of wire, thread, or plastic with spaces between them

- **strap**: a narrow strip of flexible material, such as leather, cloth, or metal, used to fasten, secure, or carry something

- **subcontractor**: a person or company that does part of the work that another person or company is responsible for

- **zipper**: a device consisting of two rows of metal or plastic teeth that are made to slide together and apart by pulling a small handle

Next, let's see some sentences that you can use when talking about materials and techniques in foreign trade:

- This artificial leather feels like the real thing. 这种人造革手感跟真皮一模一样。

- The manufacture of belts and buckles is put out to subcontractor . 皮带和带扣的生产交分包商承做。

- This new model of zipper is very convenient for seniors, therefore it sells well. 这款新型拉链对于老年人来说十分方便,因此卖得很好。

- The foam of our company is very competitive in the market, both at home and abroad. 我们公司生产的海绵不论是在国内还是国外市场都很有竞争力。

- Many of the insulating materials in the United States are manufactured in China. 美国许多的绝缘材料都是在中国加工的。

- The strap is too loose. Tighten it up a bit. 带子太松了, 再勒一勒。

- We will give you several things for free, including detachable shoulder strap , padlock and a name tag. 我们将会免费赠送您附有可拆装的肩带、箱锁和姓名牌。

- The elastic of the drawstring in this backpack is of excellent flexibility, and can be reused for many times without deformation or abrasion. 这款背包抽绳部分的松紧带弹性很好,多次重复使用不会变形磨损。



