外贸平台  /  语言 / 如何用外贸英语描述酒水分类及饮用?这篇文章教你一招就懂!





auction 拍卖:指一种用于出售或购买某种产品或服务的竞价方式,通常由专业的机构或人员组织和主持。例如:The auction last week was the first country’s devoted to cognac. 上周的拍卖会是我国首次白兰地专场拍卖会。

beverage 饮料:指一种能够饮用的液体,通常有不同的颜色、口味和成分,可以分为含酒精和不含酒精的两大类。例如:Wine, beer and spirits are alcoholic beverages. 葡萄酒、啤酒和烈酒都是含酒精的饮料。

binge 狂欢:指一种过度地享受或消费某种物品或活动的行为,通常伴随着放纵和失控的情绪。例如:He went on a binge and drank a whole bottle of vodka. 他狂欢起来,喝了一整瓶伏特加。

classify 归类:指一种用于将某种事物或现象按照某种标准或规则分成不同的类别或等级的动作,通常用于表达区分和评价的目的。例如:We adopt the standard of French AOC system to classify their wine. 我们采用法国AOC体系的评级标准对酒进行分类。

cognac 法国白兰地:指一种起源于法国西南部科涅克地区的烈性酒,通常由白葡萄制成,经过两次蒸馏和橡木桶陈化而成,有金黄色或琥珀色,口感香醇而复杂。例如:Hennessy cognac is one of the most famous brands in the world. 轩尼诗干邑是世界上最著名的白兰地品牌之一。

martini 马提尼:指一种由金酒和干味美思混合而成的鸡尾酒,通常呈透明色,有苦甜的口感,可以加入橄榄或柠檬皮作为装饰。例如:He ordered a martini with an olive. 他点了一杯加橄榄的马提尼。

smirnoff 斯米诺伏特加:指一种由俄罗斯移民创立的伏特加品牌,通常由小麦、玉米等原料制成,经过多次蒸馏和过滤而成,有无色透明,口感纯净而平滑。例如:Smirnoff is the best-selling vodka in the world. 斯米诺是世界上最畅销的伏特加。

taste 品尝:指一种用于试验或评价某种食物或饮料的味道和口感的动作,通常用于表达欣赏或批评的意见。例如:He tasted the wine and nodded his approval. 他品尝了一下酒,点头表示赞许。

transparent 透明的:指一种能够让光线穿透而不发生反射或折射的性质,通常用于描述某种物质或液体的颜色或状态。例如:Tequila is usually clear and transparent, and other varieties include those that are aged or rested in oak casks. 龙舌兰酒通常酒体清亮、透明,还有的品种则在橡木桶中长久存放。

vineyard 葡萄庄园:指一种用于种植或收获葡萄的土地或场所,通常有一定的面积和规模,可以分为不同的区域或等级。例如:Vineyards in France enjoy a good reputation over the world. 法国葡萄庄园享誉世界。



- How do you classify the wines according to their color and sweetness? 你是如何根据酒的颜色和甜度来分类的?

- This wine is classified as a dry red, which means it has less than 4 grams of sugar per liter. 这种酒被归类为干红,意味着它每升含糖量不超过4克。

- We offer you a wide range of beverages, from soft drinks to spirits. 我们为您提供各种饮料,从软饮料到烈酒。

- What kind of beverage do you prefer, coffee or tea? 你喜欢什么样的饮料,咖啡还是茶?

- He went to the auction and bought a bottle of rare cognac for a high price. 他去了拍卖会,花了高价买了一瓶稀有的法国白兰地。

- Do you have any information about the auction of the old wine cellar? 你有关于那个老酒窖的拍卖的信息吗?

- He likes to drink champagne on special occasions. 他喜欢在特殊场合喝香槟。

- Do you know how to open a bottle of champagne properly? 你知道如何正确地打开一瓶香槟吗?

- He owns a chateau in Bordeaux and produces his own wine. 他在波尔多拥有一个酒庄,并生产自己的葡萄酒。

- Can you recommend me some good chateaux to visit in France? 你能推荐我一些值得参观的法国酒庄吗?

- This is a crafted beer made with natural ingredients and no additives. 这是一款用天然原料和无添加剂精心制作的啤酒。

- Do you like crafted beers or commercial beers? 你喜欢精酿啤酒还是工业啤酒?

- Conceivably, this wine could improve with more aging. 可以理解地,这种酒如果再陈放一段时间可能会更好。

- Conceivably, he could be the best wine connoisseur in the world. 可以理解地,他可能是世界上最好的美酒鉴赏家。

- He is a connoisseur of fine wines and knows how to taste them. 他是一位美酒鉴赏家,懂得如何品尝它们。

- How can I become a connoisseur of wines? 我怎样才能成为一位葡萄酒鉴赏家?

- This fen-flavor liquor is very popular in northern China. 这种清香型白酒在中国北方很受欢迎。

- Do you like fen-flavor liquor or sauce-flavor liquor? 你喜欢清香型白酒还是酱香型白酒?

- The label of this wine shows that it was made in 2018 and has 13% alcohol content. 这瓶酒的标签显示它是2018年生产的,含有13%的酒精度。

- You should always read the label before buying or drinking any wine. 你在购买或喝任何葡萄酒之前都应该仔细阅读标签。

- There is a certain mystique about wine making that attracts many people. 酿造葡萄酒有一种特殊的神秘性,吸引了许多人。

- How can I learn more about the mystique of wine making? 我怎样才能了解更多关于酿造葡萄酒的神秘性?

- The nuance of this wine is influenced by the soil and climate of the region. 这种酒的香气受到了产地的土壤和气候的影响。

- Can you tell the nuance of this wine from that one? 你能分辨出这瓶酒和那瓶酒的香气差别吗?

- My palate prefers dry and full-bodied wines. 我的味觉喜欢干型和醇厚的葡萄酒。

- How can I train my palate to appreciate different wines? 我怎样才能训练我的味觉来欣赏不同的葡萄酒?

- He can pinpoint a vineyard and vintage with accuracy. 他能准确地说出酒的产地和年份。

- How do you pinpoint the quality of a wine? 你是如何判断一瓶酒的质量的?

- He likes to drink spirits after dinner. 他喜欢在晚饭后喝烈酒。

- What kind of spirits do you have in stock? 你们有什么样的烈酒现货?

- He grows sweetcorn in his farm and uses it to make his own beer. 他在自己的农场里种植甜玉米,并用它来制作自己的啤酒。

- Do you like sweetcorn or barley as the main ingredient of beer? 你喜欢用甜玉米还是大麦作为啤酒的主要原料?

- This is a vintage wine from 1999 and it is very rare and expensive. 这是一瓶1999年的年份酒,非常稀有和昂贵。

- How do you determine the vintage of a wine? 你是如何确定一瓶酒的年份的?


