外贸平台  /  语言 / 外贸英语:如何与客户沟通产品破损的原因和责任?





1. 在收到客户关于产品破损的邮件或电话时,要及时回复并表示关注和歉意,但不要轻易承认错误或承担责任,要保持冷静和客观,避免情绪化或争执。例如:

- We are sorry to hear that some of the products were damaged during the delivery. We are very concerned about this issue and we will investigate it immediately. 我们很遗憾地听说有些产品在交货过程中受损。我们非常关注这个问题,并将立即进行调查。

- We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the product damage. We appreciate your patience and understanding and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 我们为产品破损给您造成的任何不便表示歉意。我们感谢您的耐心和理解,并将尽快给您回复。

2. 在调查产品破损的原因时,要向客户索取相关的证据和信息,包括破损产品的数量、种类、程度、照片或视频等,以及货物运输、卸货、检验等过程中的记录或报告等。同时,要与自己公司或工厂的相关部门或人员核对生产、包装、出货、质检等方面的资料或记录,以及与运输公司或保险公司联系确认运输或保险方面的情况。例如:

- Could you please provide us with some evidence of the product damage, such as the number, type and degree of the damaged products, and some photos or videos of them? 您能否提供一些产品破损的证据,比如破损产品的数量、种类、程度,以及一些照片或视频?

- Could you please send us the relevant documents or reports of the transportation, unloading and inspection of the goods? 您能否给我们发送一些货物运输、卸货和检验过程中的相关文件或报告?

- We have checked with our production, packing, shipping and quality control departments and we have found no problems or defects in our side. 我们已经与我们的生产、包装、出货和质量控制部门核对过了,我们这边没有发现任何问题或缺陷。

- We have contacted the shipping company and the insurance company and they have confirmed that the goods were shipped and insured properly. 我们已经联系了运输公司和保险公司,他们已经确认货物已经正确地装运和投保。

3. 在确定产品破损的原因和责任后,要及时向客户说明情况,并根据不同的情况提出合理的解释或道歉。如果产品破损是由于客户方面的原因,比如运输不当、卸货粗暴、检验不规范等,要用事实和证据说服客户,让客户承认错误或承担责任。如果产品破损是由于我们方面的原因,比如生产不良、包装不牢、出货不准等,要诚恳地向客户道歉,并承诺改进或赔偿。例如:

- We have found out that the product damage was caused by the improper transportation of your local carrier. As you can see from the photos and reports we sent you, the goods were in good condition when they left our warehouse and when they arrived at your port. However, the packages were severely damaged during the inland transportation from the port to your warehouse. Therefore, we are not responsible for the product damage and you should claim compensation from your local carrier. 我们已经查明产品破损是由于您当地承运人的不当运输造成的。正如您从我们给您发送的照片和报告中可以看到,货物在离开我们仓库和到达您港口时都是完好无损的。但是,在从港口到您仓库的内陆运输过程中,包装被严重损坏了。因此,我们对产品破损不承担责任,您应该向您当地的承运人索赔。

- We have admitted that the product damage was due to our fault in production. We sincerely apologize for this mistake and we will take full responsibility for it. We will arrange a replacement or a refund for you as soon as possible. Please accept our sincere apology and we hope this will not affect our future cooperation. 我们已经承认产品破损是由于我们在生产上的过失造成的。我们为这个错误真诚地道歉,并将承担全部责任。我们将尽快为您安排更换或退款。请接受我们诚挚的道歉,我们希望这不会影响我们未来的合作。

4. 在处理产品破损的问题时,要保持与客户的良好沟通和合作,及时回复客户的邮件或电话,及时更新客户的进展和结果,及时解决客户的疑问或担忧,及时确认客户的意见或建议。要尽力维护与客户的关系和信任,避免让客户感到被忽视或被欺骗。例如:

- Thank you for your email and your cooperation. We are working on this issue and we will keep you updated. 谢谢您的邮件和您的合作。我们正在处理这个问题,并将随时向您汇报。

- We have received your feedback and we appreciate your understanding and patience. We have solved this issue and we have sent you the details and the proof. Please check and let us know if you are satisfied with the solution. 我们已经收到了您的反馈,我们感谢您的理解和耐心。我们已经解决了这个问题,并已经给您发送了细节和证据。请查收并告诉我们您是否满意这个解决方案。



