外贸平台  /  语言 / 外贸英语实战:如何和海外客户确认合同条款




1. 如何发送合同给客户


- **We have enclosed two copies of the contract for your review and signature. Please return one signed copy to us for our file.** 我们已附上两份合同供您审阅和签字。请将一份签字后的合同寄回给我们存档。

- **We have attached the contract in PDF format for your convenience. Please print it out, sign it and scan it back to us by email.** 为了方便您,我们已将合同以PDF格式附上。请打印出来,签字后扫描并通过电子邮件发回给我们。

- **We have drafted the contract according to our previous agreement. Please check it carefully and let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.** 我们已根据我们之前的协议拟定了合同。请仔细检查,并告知我们您有任何意见或建议。

- **We have sent you the contract by express mail. You should receive it within a few days. Please sign it and send it back to us as soon as possible.** 我们已经通过快递邮寄了合同给您。您应该在几天内收到。请尽快签字并寄回给我们。

2. 如何催促客户确认合同


- **We are wondering if you have received the contract we sent you last week. We would appreciate it if you could confirm it at your earliest convenience.** 我们想知道您是否收到了我们上周寄给您的合同。如果您能尽快确认,我们将不胜感激。

- **We are waiting for your confirmation of the contract. Please sign it and return it to us as soon as possible, so that we can proceed with the order without delay.** 我们正在等待您对合同的确认。请尽快签字并寄回给我们,以便我们能够及时处理订单。

- **We are concerned that we have not heard from you regarding the contract. Is there any problem with it? Please let us know if you need any clarification or modification.** 我们担心没有收到您关于合同的回复。合同有什么问题吗?请告知我们是否需要任何说明或修改。

- **We are writing to remind you that the contract will expire in two days. If you do not confirm it by then, we will have to cancel the order and charge you a penalty fee. Please reply to us as soon as possible.** 我们写信提醒您,合同将在两天后到期。如果您届时还没有确认,我们将不得不取消订单并向您收取违约金。请尽快回复我们。

3. 如何回复客户对合同的确认


- **We are glad to receive your confirmation of the contract. We will arrange the shipment as per the contract terms.** 我们很高兴收到您对合同的确认。我们将按照合同条款安排发货。

- **We have received your signed copy of the contract. Thank you for your cooperation. We will prepare the goods according to the contract specifications.** 我们已收到您签字后的合同副本。感谢您的合作。我们将按照合同规格准备货物。

- **We appreciate your prompt confirmation of the contract. We will issue the invoice and send you the shipping documents as soon as possible.** 我们感谢您及时确认合同。我们将尽快开具发票并寄送给您装运单据。

- **We are pleased to confirm that we have accepted the contract without any changes. We look forward to a successful cooperation with you.** 我们很高兴地确认,我们已无条件接受了合同。我们期待与您成功地合作。


